Merseyside Recycling & Waste Authority has launched a Christmas campaign advising residents to ‘choose to reuse’, in a bid to tackle climate change.
Along with reuse tips, the campaign – which is being driven through the Authority’s Zero Waste LCR branch – offers other sustainable guidelines, which can help people to save money while protecting the environment.
According to national data from the Environment Agency, around 30% more waste is generated at Christmas time.
Further astonishing figures state that an estimated 50,000 trees are cut down to create enough paper to wrap presents, while over 1 billion Christmas cards are thrown away per year.
The above stats form part of a wider waste problem that negatively impacts climate change during the festive season.
Although larger generation of waste during Christmas time is a widespread issue, Merseyside Recycling & Waste Authority is keen to buck the trend.
Lesley Worswick, Chief Executive of Merseyside Recycling & Waste Authority, said:
“The aim of our ‘Choose to Reuse’ campaign is simple; to help residents reduce waste, save money and protect the planet for future generations… All in a way which doesn’t compromise the joys of Christmas.“We’ve created a dedicated blog series which offers sustainable advice on everything from Christmas trees and decorations to cards, wrapping paper and gifts.
“Even if residents try one or two of the tips on offer, every little step towards reducing waste is a big stride towards protecting the environment.”
Cllr Catie Page, Chair of Merseyside Recycling & Waste Authority, said:“Often, planning goes out the window and leaves us in a rush to choose the quick and convenient option when Christmas shopping… Then, before we know it, it’s all over!
“While the primary aim is to make Liverpool City Region more sustainable, the ‘Choose to Reuse’ campaign also gives people a chance to think again.
“We want to provide plenty of inspiration for residents and their loved ones to embrace creativity and build precious festive memories together in the process.”
More information is available at https://www.zerowastelcr.com/blog/choose-to-reuse-this-christmas/.-ENDS-
Media Enquiries
Members of the media, for more information please contact:
Adam de Spretter Yates | Communications and Development Officer |1 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP | 07976730362 | adam.despretteryates@merseysidewda.gov.ukDisclaimer: Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority