The Authority sets out its current priorities and future objectives in its Corporate Plan. The Plan strengthens the Authority’s planning processes and is a fundamental part of its Performance Management Framework which:
- Allows the Authority to be clear and transparent about its vision, values, objectives and priorities as expressed in its Corporate Strategies.
- Assists in translating the high level corporate vision into service delivery through service and performance planning processes.
- Helps individuals to understand their contribution to the corporate objectives through the Staff Development Process.
The Authority’s Vision, as set out in its Corporate Plan, is:
“To ensure that we reduce the impact of our actions on climate change and improve the sustainable management of waste and resources.”
This plan is reviewed by the Authority on an annual basis to reflect emerging issues, consultation feedback and progress made to date. The current Corporate Plan can be viewed here:
Corporate Plan 2025 (PDF).
The Annual Service Delivery Plan translate the Authority’s Corporate Plan into deliverable step changes through the effective management of the Authority’s available resources. The Plan contains a summary of performance and reflects how projects and sectional activities will be focused to deliver improvement and contribute to the delivery of the Corporate Plan.
The development of the Corporate Plan and the Annual Service Delivery Plan take into account current risks and are informed by the Authority’s Corporate Risk Register. The current Delivery Plan can be viewed here: Service Delivery Plan 2024/2025.
Our Annual Report provides a snapshot of the Authority’s performance and achievement over the previous year. The Annual Report can be viewed here: MRWA Annual Report (PDF).