Authority Budget
Please see the attached document for a full breakdown of the Authority’s current budget: Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Budget 2024/25 (opens in PDF format)
Merseyside Waste Levy
The function and operation of Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority is funded by way of a levy on each of the Merseyside District Councils which is apportioned on a waste tonnage basis – this is known as the Waste Levy. This levy is then incorporated into each Council’s Council Tax calculation.
The Joint Waste Disposal Authorities (Levies) (England) Regulations 2006 is the statutory instrument that details how the levy should be apportioned to constituent councils. It states that the amount to be levied shall be determined by apportioning the total amount to be levied by either.
(a) Such proportions as all the constituent councils may agree OR (b) In the absence of such agreement, by a combination of the following proportions;
(i) the costs incurred in the disposal or treatment of household waste shall be apportioned in proportion to the tonnage of household waste delivered by each of these councils within the last complete financial year for which data is available
(ii) the costs incurred in the disposal or treatment of business refuse shall be apportioned between the constituent councils in proportion to the tonnage of business refuse deposited within the area of each of these councils within the last complete financial year for which data is available
(iii) all other costs shall be apportioned between the constituent councils by reference to the relevant proportion
2024 /2025 Levy
- The Levy for Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council based upon the apportionment system is: £9,254,934
- The Levy for Liverpool City Council based upon the apportionment system is: £28,657,786
- The Levy for Sefton Council based upon the apportionment system is: £16,691,651
- The Levy for St Helens Council based upon the apportionment system is: £10,022,303
- The Levy for Wirral Council based upon the apportionment system is: £18,865,249